Landscape Paintings

My painting is deeply intertwined with motherhood. Each week, my preschooler and I explore our local parks and trails. I snap a few photos on our walks – of pretty river views, or the sun shining through leaves, or times when big trees make me feel small. Then, after tucking him into bed, I carve out a few hours for myself to paint. To be present. To appreciate this life.

I love how much natural beauty is accessible here in West Linn. Within a few minutes walk from my home, I can lose myself in a forest. Within a few minutes drive, I can stroll along the river or camp out on the shore for a few hours. These paintings are an attempt to reconnect with the peace and awe that I feel on the trails.

Flower Paintings

I buy myself grocery story bouquets and I paint them.

It's an exercise in showing up for myself, in noticing, and in the push and pull of control and letting be.

And in the midst of whirlwind days, the simple pause to see and create has become a hallowed practice.

Plus, you know, it's a great excuse to always have flowers in my house.

Creature Comforts

Sometimes, I paint stuffed animals and toys.